How much does it cost to empty your septic tank?

How much does it cost to empty your septic tank?

The pricing structure for the rendering of tanker services for single residential properties with conservancy or septic tanks has changed significantly since the beginning of November 2023.

Up until that time, the costs to deliver tanker services was based on 70% of water consumption per property; irrespective of how many times tanker services were requested.

Given the high demand for extra tanker services, especially after hours, the enforcement of the pricing structure in accordance with the approved tariffs and tariff policy, was applied to cover associated costs.

Prior to September 2023, owners of single residential properties had the opportunity to choose between one of two options, provided the tanker service is requested before 15:00 on weekdays:

Option 1: Pay a basic fee of R114.22 plus the infrastructure levy of R14.98 per month only, with the understanding that every time a tanker service is requested, this service will be charged per removal at R779.03 per 6 kℓ (or 5 kℓ for Kleinmond) or part thereof.

Option 2: Pay a basic fee of R169.51 plus R19.19 per kℓ of water used per month, based on a maximum of 35 kℓ per month (70% of 50 kℓ) plus the infrastructure levy of R14.98 per month. This will entitle you to tanker callouts at no additional charge.

From January 2024 consumers who are on Option 2 are automatically placed on Option 1, if their sewer consumption exceeded the water consumption for more than two consecutive months. Consumption on accounts for any three consecutive months from October 2023 are used.

The conversion will apply until 30 June after which the consumers can apply up to 30 September each year, to be placed on Option 2 again.

To date, the Municipality has already switched over about 95 consumers from Option 2 to Option 1.

Kindly remember that, irrespective of the option exercised, a surcharge of R1 558.07 per 6 kℓ (5 kℓ for Kleinmond) or part thereof will be levied for all callouts after hours or over weekends.

It is not possible to deliver a service on demand. Try to order the tanker service at least three working days in advance. Consumers are also urged not to book the service if the tank is not filled to capacity.

Unfortunately, no pre-booking of tanker services for a specific date and time, or on regular basis will be allowed.

Conservancy tanks must be watertight to prevent ingress of groundwater into the tank, as this also puts additional pressure on our tanker system and the waste water treatment plant where the sewerage is off-loaded.

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